Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Invincible Ultimate Collection Vol. 1


I've finally started reading Invincible. It's been in my house for a couple of years but I jumped in now that I'm on Xmas Vay-Cay.

What impressed me most about Invincible/Mark is how positive his outlook seemed right from the start. He's like an emo-less Clark Kent and Peter Parker all rolled into one average, happy teenager. His powers come from his Dad (Omni Man), an alien conqueror living on Earth. Mark's powers appear overnight but he's been anxiously expecting them for a while. He becomes a hero with gusto and becomes his Dad's partner and a member of the super hero community fairly quickly. Even when his Dad betrays him, Mark keeps going. For his sake as well as his human Mom.

The other characters are fun and some are more than background extras. Eve is Invincible's equal, and Robot is kinda funny although hard to read (because of his frozen smile).

What I didn't like about this volume were the literal translations of the Justice League/Guardians of the Globe to the Invincible world. There's a fine line between "tongue in cheek" and "so dead on it's boring". They were really obvious, and dull. Then there's the Ape that acts like Rorschach (with "hurm" and everything) and the so-so cameo of the Powers gang. It was very distracting and it cheapened the originality of Invincible.

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